God Always Casts the Deciding Vote

As the stakes are raised, elections are becoming more and more contentious while worry over the outcome grips people from all sides. Yet for all of the fear, fighting, campaigning, and even vote-casting, it is ultimately God alone who determines the winner. Still, we are not set free from our responsibility to honor God with our vote. In this article, we look at what Scripture says about God’s role in the rise and fall of rulers, how His purposes control who wins and loses elections, and why we are still accountable for our vote.

The Real Minimum Wage is Always $0

Very few people are paid only the minimum wage, with almost all of those being teenagers just starting in the workforce. Yet more minimum wage increase referendums are showing up on ballots, joining the ever-present promise of politicians to increase the minimum wage in exchange for votes. In this article, we examine the effects of mandated minimum wages and how they most often hurt those they are intended to help.

You Are Out of Toilet Paper Because You Hate “Gouging”

One of the earliest and most noticeable effects of COVID-19 was the mad rush on common household items such as toilet paper. The result was that some households had enough toilet paper to last for years while others were forced to clean themselves by other means, such as napkins and washcloths. The prolonged empty shelves were not caused by the coronavirus, but rather were a price phenomenon. That rising prices are often deemed to be “gouging” resulting from greed culminated in a massive shortage of toilet paper. In this article we illustrate why it is best to let prices fluctuate with supply and demand, and why when they are not allowed to move freely shortages inevitably occur.

Your Christian Faith Must Be Rational

Often a Christian is characterized as having faith that is baseless or blind. Sadly, this language isn’t confined to being spoken by those outside of the church. Today, many professing Christians will speak of faith as if one needs to “just believe” or “take a leap into the dark and let God catch you.” However, we are not asked to “jump into the dark,” but rather to “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7). In this article we examine why faith must be rational and reasonable in order to be real.

Read moreYour Christian Faith Must Be Rational

Common Obstacles to Learning

I seldom have thought of myself as a teacher but that’s what I have always been. One of the most important tasks of the teacher is to take complex issues and make them understandable for those without a background in the subject matter. Whatever the topic, experience has shown there are some recurrent hindrances to learning. In this article we will look at a few of them with some tips on how teachers can help students better apprehend and retain information.

Read moreCommon Obstacles to Learning

Everything Compounds, Even Wasted Time

As an investor, compounding is my favorite term. The power of compounding is one of the most phenomenal things we encounter in life. The brilliant scientist Albert Einstein even called compounding the “eighth wonder of the world.” Seen everywhere, it has a staggering impact on our finances, energy, and even our emotions. In this article we focus on the powerful affect compounding has on our time, and illustrate how every minute not spent wisely can cost us more than we realize.

Read moreEverything Compounds, Even Wasted Time

What is Theology?

How should we define theology? From the High Middle Ages through the 17th and into the 18th century, theology was almost universally considered “the queen of the sciences.” Immediately one might be surprised to see theology categorized as a science. After all, isn’t science reserved for biology, geology, chemistry, and astrophysics? Surely something innately religious cannot be placed alongside fields of study where experiments and measurements rule the day, can it? After all, isn’t theology simply based on faith? In this article we will explore what theology is, why it should still be considered the pinnacle of all science, and how a deeper understanding of God will draw us closer to Him.

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A Christian View of COVID-19

(In April 2020, I was asked to write a brief summary of the Christian view of COVID-19  for a Comparative Religions course at a public university. I am sharing what I wrote here.)

I am pleased that I have the opportunity to discuss the coronavirus from the Christian worldview, mainly because what I have to say will not be what is heard in the majority of professing Christian churches in the 21st century, but I am convinced it is the Biblical viewpoint. Indeed, what follows has been the historic belief of orthodox Christianity since the time of Jesus Himself, as I will illustrate by His own words. Sadly, we live in a time where even church-goers think that life centers on mankind and where God is treated as if He were a genie to be called on to grant our wishes, and not as the Supreme Being who alone is worthy of adoration and worship.

Read moreA Christian View of COVID-19

What is Economics?

When I meet people and tell them my background in economics, I get a wide range of reactions and often some strange looks. What I have yet to have happen is for someone to ask me, “What is economics?” I really wish they would, because how most people would define economics is quite a bit different than the actual meaning of the term. In this post, we will show that the ideas of economics are not confined to money and apply to every area of life, and how a basic understanding of economic principles can benefit one tremendously in ways beyond financially.

Read moreWhat is Economics?